Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Need a job? e-Networking works!

Facebook and MySpace have gotten a lot of negative press lately. HR managers and career counselors lament the personal -- and sometimes crude -- details that are revealed on "walls" and in pictures. But what about the merits of e-networking? Could an online profile ever prosper the job search process? You bet!

More and more college students and new grads are connecting with potential employers and industry professionals on LinkedIn, the professional networking venue with more than 25 million users around the world. In fact, a well-crafted profile on the popular site is a great way to gain entry into the business world. Not only does it promote your experience, education and abilities, it also demonstrates initiative and drive, two traits employers value.

LinkedIn is like many of the other social sites in that it starts with a profile page. However, since LinkedIn targets a professional network, your profile is more of a resume than a billboard or photo album. It features your education, experience, interests, expertise, and more. Once you create a profile, you can begin building your network by giving and gaining recommendations, responding to questions, joining groups, and inviting others to connect.

Think you're ready to get LinkedIn? View my profile, then invite me to join your network... it's an offer I won't refuse!

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